About the Book
C2, Zondervan, and World Vision are teaming together on the most ambitious and ecumenical curriculum promoting Christian social responsibility and justice ever conceived. A topic that has been building a great deal of buzz within the ranks of Church leadership, but has not yet ignited as an action based movement among North American Christians. That’s 77 million potential Good Samaritans sitting in the pews. And the time is now. The people are ready. The market is ready for the book, START – becoming a Good Samaritan.START’s headliner curriculum (list attached) brings together topical experts, theologians, mega-church pastors, front-line workers, victims, encouragers, and even “unknowns” to offer a complete picture of the problem and a practical understanding of how to be a Good Samaritan right now, right where each of us lives.We are all too painfully aware that the Church today is not known as Good Samaritans. We’re known more as the Priest or the Levite from the story – or worse. Rick Warren put his finger on the aching need for this curriculum and book when he said, “It’s time for a second reformation, not one of theology, but of works.”
Mike Seaton is the founder of a non-profit organization called The Start Project, whose mission is to start a Good Samaritan movement. You can learn more about start at www.startproject.org. Michael Seaton is also the owner of The C2 Group. For over twenty years The C2 Group has provided strategic communication services for local, regional, and international clients. As the owner, Mike Seaton has channeled his passion to create powerful experiences through storytelling in both the video and web mediums into some of the top selling Christian curriculums available today.John Blase (pronounced "Blaze") is a writer/editor living along Colorado’s Front Range. He currently serves as a developmental editor for David C. Cook Publishing, working hand in hand with such authors as Leonard Sweet, Frank Viola, Francis Chan, and most recently, a very close collaborative effort with Brennan Manning on the book, The Furious Longing of God. He served as a pastor for thirteen years in Southern Baptist and non-denominational churches in Texas, Arkansas, and Colorado, and for forty-two years, he’s proudly been a pastor’s son.
John is the author of eight books with NavPress including Living the Questions and Living the Letters Bible study series. He also co-authored and edited several books with NavPress like the Worldviews reference book (TH1NK), Real Life Stuff for Couples and The Message Children’s Bible. His next title releases September of 2009—Touching Wonder: Recapturing the Awe of Christmas (David C. Cook). John and his wife, Meredith, have been married for ?
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