Three friends whose lives needed a jolt... An earthquake that struck without warning... A supernatural gifting of mysterious powers...
The Gifted is one of Terri Blackstock's most intriguing novels. A massive natural disaster leads to an even more earth-shaking supernatural transformation in the lives of three friends who have no idea why they've been spared or infused with these distinct gifts.
One thing is certain...the earthquake was just the warm-up for what lies ahead.
Terri Blackstock has sold over seven million books worldwide and is a New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author. She is the award-winning author of Intervention, Vicious Cycle, and Downfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, and the Restoration Series. Visit her website at; Facebook: tblackstock; Twitter: @terriblackstock.